New Hearing suites in Alloa and Tranent
Two Hearing suites have recently opened providing modern, child-friendly facilities for children, young people and families attending Children’s Hearings.
SCRA’s Alloa Hearings Centre has moved to a new home in the Town Hall Lodge, Alloa, and Tranent Hearings Centre in Loch Road has re-opened after a fire caused significant damage in November 2015.
As part of SCRA’s on-going commitment to providing welcoming, well-designed premises for Children’s Hearings, both Alloa and Tranent have been decorated in bright colours, have comfortable furniture and a child-friendly layout.
Locality Reporter Manager Maureen Manns from the Central Locality, said: “Alloa is proving popular with families. They are enjoying having somewhere new. They’ve told us they feel more welcome and that the new premises are a less forbidding place to be.”
Locality Reporter Manager Lesley Siewert from the South East Locality which covers Tranent, commented: “The necessary refurbishment allowed us to upgrade the centre by designing a waiting room that can also be used as a more informal Hearings room.
“For some young people and families this will, we hope, reduce their stress when coming to Hearings. Young people from East Lothian’s Champions Board, were involved in the redesign and decoration of the interior of the building.”