Other complaints
You may have a complaint about something which is not the responsibility of SCRA. For example, SCRA cannot deal with complaints about:
- Children’s Hearings decisions
- Children’s Panel members
- The courts
- Social work, education or the health service
- Safeguarders
- The police
The Reporter in your local office may be able to advise you where to make your complaint in these circumstances. Some examples of the situations where you may feel you have a complaint are as follows:
I don’t agree with the Hearing’s decision
If you disagree with the decision of a Hearing you can appeal against the decision to the Sheriff. The Chair of the Hearing will explain how to do this, but remember you only have 3 weeks to appeal.
I’m not happy with a member of the Children’s Panel
If you want to make a complaint to Children’s Hearings Scotland (CHS) about a Panel Member or an Area Support Team, you can get more information on their website.
I don’t agree with the Sheriff’s decision
The decision of the Sheriff can be appealed to a higher court. You should seek legal advice or contact the Clerk of the Sheriff Court if you wish to appeal.
I’m not happy with the way the Compulsory Supervision Order is working
If you are not happy with the way a Compulsory Supervision Order is working, you should contact the Reporter who can tell you when a review can be held, and may be able to arrange a Children’s Hearing to review the Order. A Reporter cannot change the Compulsory Supervision Order; this can only be done by a Children’s Hearing.
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