SCRA scoops silver enei award
We are proud to announce that we have retained the enei TIDE Silver Award Standard for the third year in a row.
enei (the Employers Network for Equality & Inclusion) is the leading employer network covering all aspects of equality and inclusion in the workplace.
TIDE (Talent Inclusion & Diversity Evaluation) is the enei’s self-assessment evaluation and benchmarking tool, which measures an organisation’s approach and progress on diversity and inclusion in areas such as workforce, planning, training and development.
This is the fourth year we have undertaken the equalities benchmarking exercise. In our first year we achieved the Bronze standard.
Sarah Wood, SCRA’s Inclusion and Diversity Manager said: “This is a tremendous achievement for our organisation and highlights the collective effort and ongoing commitment across SCRA to advance equality, diversity and inclusion; creating a more accessible and inclusive environment for everyone.”