Never been to a Hearing?

Cartoon girl and cartoon cat

Are you going to a Children’s Hearing, but never been to one before? Then this section will help you…

Going to a Hearing for the first time?

If you haven’t been to a Hearing before, you might have some questions about what will happen at the Hearing. Try not to worry, the people at the Hearing are there to help you.

If you have any questions before you go to a Hearing, there are lots of different people you could talk to, for example:

  • The Reporter whose details will be on the letter you have received about your Hearing.
  • Your social worker if you have one.
  • Your teacher.
  • There are also other people who can help, called Children’s Rights Officers or advocates.  Find out more about advocacy in Children’s Hearings.

Where are Children’s Hearings held?

Children’s Hearings are held in different buildings in your local community. The Hearing will be held in a private room which has seating for you, your family or carers, the Panel Members (who will listen to you and make a decision) and the Children’s Reporter.

Usually there is a waiting room outside and generally there are toys, games or books there for you, but just in case, you can bring a game or a book with you if you have to wait a little while.

Some children and young people find it helpful if they know what to expect and have visited the building where the Children’s Hearing is to be held, before the day of their Hearing. This is called a Pre-Hearing visit. You can arrange these visits with the Children’s Reporter. You will be able to look around the place and ask any questions you have about what happens when you go to your Hearing.

Hearings Advocacy

Find out more about how advocacy can help you in a Children’s Hearing? Hear direct from Hearings-experienced young people on the Hearings Advocacy website or watch our short animation.

What does a Hearing Centre look like?

You can have a look at a selection of our different Hearing centres below or you can visit the get in touch section to see your local Hearing centre.