
We have a number of leaflets and flyers to help you prepare for your Children’s Hearing and ensure you have as much information as possible.
All About Children’s Hearings – leaflet for children and young people
This leaflet provides information for children and young people who are going to a Hearing. It tells you things like who will be there, what will happen and how you can have your say.
Going to a Hearing leaflet for children and young people
Cartoon booklet
This booklet has been written for young children who are going to a Hearing for the first time. Every Hearing is different, but this booklet tells the story of Chloe and Billy.
Cartoon booklet – Chloe and Billy’s story
Compulsory Supervision Order leaflet
This leaflet explains to you what it means when a Compulsory Supervision Order is made at your Children’s Hearing.