Equality and Human Rights Impact Assessments

Equality and Human Rights Impact Assessments (EHRIAs) are a recognised way of improving policy development and service delivery. By assessing equality and human rights impact of our policies and practices, we proactively consider the needs of the children, young people and their families whom we serve, our staff and our stakeholders, identify potential steps to advance equality and foster good relations, and ensure that we do not discriminate unlawfully.

SCRA has a statutory duty to publish EHRIAs. Here is our most recent ones to be published:

Agile Working Policy

Annual Workforce Plan EHRIA

Audit Services Procurement Strategy 

Budget 2021-22

Children (Scotland) Act 2020 EHRIA

Corporate Procurement Strategy EHRIA

CSAS Security Policy  EHRIA

CSAS Training Strategy EHRIA

Electronic Paper Transmission  EHRIA

Equalities and Inclusion Mainstream Report and Outcomes EHRIA

Finance Systems

Interim Child Protection Policy EHRIA

Mental Health and Wellbeing EHRIA

Payroll Procurement

People Strategy EHRIA

Probationary Policy EHRIA

Recruitment  Selection Policy EHRIA

Rights Respecting Approach

Shortened Reports for Hearings

Stress Policy 2021

Virtual Children’s Hearing  EHRIA


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