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This section of our website provides information about how to appeal Children’s Hearing decisions.
Being a Relevant Person
If the decision of a Pre-Hearing Panel or Children’s Hearing is to make, or not make someone a relevant person you can appeal against this to the Sheriff Court. You only have 7 days to appeal. The 7 days begin with the date of the Pre-Hearing Panel. For information on how to contact the Sheriff Court, please visit the Court location section of our website.
Compulsory Supervision Order/Interim Order
When the Children’s Hearing has made a decision about a Compulsory Supervision Order and you do not agree with this decision, you have the right to appeal to the Sheriff Court.
If the Children’s Hearing made an Interim Order and you do not agree with this decision, you have the right to appeal to the Sheriff Court.
You only have 21 days to appeal to the Sheriff Court. The 21 days begins with the date of the Hearing.
If you appeal, you can ask for the Hearing decision to be suspended. Suspended means paused until the appeal takes place. This only applies if the decision is about a Compulsory Supervision Order.
If you would like to appeal to the Sheriff Court, please visit the Court location section of our website to find contact information.
Getting help
A lawyer (sometimes called a solicitor) can give you advice about your rights and help you to appeal. Lawyers are free for nearly all children and young people. Relevant Person’s may be eligible for Legal Aid. If you need help getting a lawyer, please visit the Scottish Legal Aid Board website or you can call them on 0131 560 2118.
Timescales for Children’s Hearings Court Proceedings
Both a Proof Application and an Appeal have very definite timescales which are set out in the law. More information is available on our website.
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