Online Statistical Dashboard

Welcome to SCRA’s Online Statistical Dashboard. The dashboard is published as part of SCRA’s suite of Official Statistics and is updated annually.  SCRA reports using financial years so information within the dashboard is based on data recorded between the 1st April and 31st March each year.

The dashboard contains statistical information about children and young people who have been involved in the Children’s Hearings System. Data is provided at a national and local authority level and users can determine what measures and geography they wish to access by using the drop-down menus below.  Please note that the term ‘children’ covers children and young people within this dashboard.

We would also welcome your views on our statistics. We have a short electronic feedback survey – it will only take you a few minutes to complete. Please click here to take part.

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Numbers under five are omitted from the graphs and indicated in the table as '<5'. This is to ensure the anonymity of the data.

Children referred

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