About attending a Hearing Virtually

Some Children’s Hearings are held online via video conferencing. This is called attending a Hearing Virtually.

This section of our website provides you with all the information you need to join and participate in your Hearing Virtually.

Meet RAVHI the Virtual Hearings Robot. RAVHI will guide you through attending a Hearing Virtually. Wherever you see RAVHI this means that help and support is available from our Virtual Support Assistants.

Attending your Hearing Virtually

Available Help and Support

Your rights in attending a Hearing Virtually


When joining via Microsoft Teams we have step by step guidance available.

Self-testing your set-up

Microsoft has a website page you can visit to undertake a test call so you can see if your microphone, camera and speaker are working correctly. Click the make a test call box and this will be auto answered asking you to record a message – this will then be played back to you to check your device speakers/microphone are working.  

It’s important you get the help you need to support you in your Virtual Hearing. There is an information leaflet with organisations who can help you. The law says that all children and young people who need to go to a Children’s Hearing should be able to get support and representation from a children’s advocacy worker. You can find out more on the Hearings advocacy website.

Check your broadband speed

Top tips for Virtual Hearings

Questions and answers

Any questions?

If you have any questions before your Virtual Hearing, you can contact the Reporter direct. Their contact details will be on the information sent to you. 

They are also keen to get your feedback after the Hearing to hear about your experience of participating in a Virtual Hearing.

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