Asking for a review

Young woman smiling while using a laptop

Did you know you have the right to ask for a review? This page of our website will help you find out more…

After your Hearing

  • You might be able to appeal against the decision made by the Hearing. An appeal  must be made within 21 days beginning with the day of the Hearing.
  • If your Hearing made or kept a Compulsory Supervision Order in place you can ask for another Hearing which can take place any time after three months from your last Hearing. You can ask for this at any time, but the Reporter will arrange it to take place at least three months after your last Hearing. 
  • If you think there needs to be a Hearing before three months, you should speak to your Social Worker who might be able to ask for a review which can take place before three months.

How do I ask for a review of my Compulsory Supervision Order?

  • You can contact your Children’s Reporter by phone, email or letter – which ever you prefer. Their contact details will be on the letter sent to you about your Hearing. It would be helpful if you include the reasons why you would like a review of your Compulsory Supervision Order. Contact details for all our offices are available in the contact us section of our website.

Where can I get help to ask for a review of my Compulsory Supervision Order?

If you need help to ask for a review:

  • You can speak to your Children’s Reporter.
  • You can speak to your Social Worker.
  • You can speak to a lawyer (also known as a solicitor), an advocacy worker, or both, who may be able to help you. Almost all children and young people can have a lawyer without any cost, and advocacy services are always free for children and young people attending a Children’s Hearing. You can contact the Scottish Legal Aid Board on 0131 226 7061 to get the name of a lawyer in your area or visit You can find out more about advocacy by visiting the Hearings Advocacy website. 
  • You can speak to a Children’s Rights Officer. Your local Social Work Department should be able to help you with this.

What happens next?

  • The Reporter will arrange a Children’s Hearing to take place as soon as reasonably possible. It will be at least 3 months after your last Hearing. You will receive an invitation (sometimes called a notification) for the Hearing.
  • The Reporter will try to arrange the date and time of the Hearing to suit you.  You must attend the Hearing unless you are excused by a Pre-Hearing Panel.
  • The Reporter will request a report from your social worker, and may request reports from other people. You can provide a report or other information for the Hearing to consider. Your Reporter will send you more information about this with your invitation for the Hearing.