Leaflets for Young People

We have a number of leaflets and flyers to help you prepare for your Children’s Hearing and ensure you have as much information as possible.
All About Children’s Hearings – leaflet for young people
This leaflet provides information for young people who are going to a Hearing. It tells you things like who will be there, what will happen and how you can have your say.
Going to a Hearing leaflet for young people
Hearing About Me form
You will receive an Hearing About Me form before your Hearing. If you don’t have a chance to fill it in before your Hearing, you can ask for one when you arrive on the day of your Hearing.
Your Rights flyer
This flyer tells you all about the rights you have at a Hearing.
Compulsory Supervision Order leaflet
This leaflet explains what a Compulsory Supervision Order is and what it means when it is made at a young person’s Hearing.
Compulsory Supervision Orders leaflet
Going to Court flyer
This flyer provides information for young people who may have to go to Court as part of their Children’s Hearings proceedings.
Secure Accommodation flyer
The Secure Accommodation flyer provides information to young people explaining what secure accommodation is, and what it means when a Children’s Hearing makes this decision.
Offence Grounds
The Rehabilitation of Offenders leaflet provides information explaining what happens when a Hearing has been arranged and one or more of the ‘statement of grounds’ is that an offence has been committed.